Digital Platforms and Ecosystems, Horasis Global Meeting 2021

Technical infrastructures and their inter-connected systems of social and commercial interaction are already disrupting or dominating many sectors. What strategies will succeed in a world of boundaryless online marketplaces, operating systems and innovation communities that orchestrate economic and social activity in new ways? How will digital platforms and ecosystems evolve into the future?

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Moderating Digital Platform and Ecosystem Panel at the Horasis Global Meeting

Technical infrastructures and their inter-connected systems of social and commercial interaction are already disrupting or dominating many sectors. What strategies will succeed in a world of boundaryless online marketplaces, operating systems and innovation communities that orchestrate economic and social activity in new ways? How will digital platforms and ecosystems evolve into the future?

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Step Ahead of the Curveby Ralf Hirt

In the chart below, we have illustrated the infinite process of compound value creation applying CovQ.

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Panel at MGA SCALE

Business is about creating stakeholder value above and beyond competitors’ performance. While all companies and investors aim for this only a small percentage manages to deliver the full potential of their enterprises. What are the challenges with scaling up and transforming in times of endless opportunities? In this session, learn about the methods, skills, and tools that enable ongoing success and understand how to evaluate options to develop executable strategies and milestones.

Blog Posts
Create A Bigger Pie: What It Takes To Maximize Value Creation In A Fast-Moving Worldby Renita Kalhorn

Horasis, in ancient Greek, means ‘to gaze at, as in a vision. It’s the name that Frank-Jürgen Richter, former director of the World Economic Forum, gave to the international think tank he founded in 2005, and it seems particularly a propos in the wake of 2020 — a year that very definitively gave us clearer vision. 

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Strategy Planning: Fast Track to Value Creation at the Board Level

Growing a company in uncertain, volatile and fast moving times is complex and challenging. So where do you start? Are you and your board prepared and aligned for what’s ahead this year?

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8W8 Enters Knowledge LUMAscape

If you would like to download the Knowledge LUMAscape or learn more about LUMA Partners please visit

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CovQ Insights 2021: Cutting Through Complexity Unlocks Massive Value Creation Upside for Growth Companiesby Ralf Hirt

8W8 Global Business Builders developed in collaboration with more than 70 entrepreneurs, founders, executives, board members, investors, and academics the Compound Value Creator Quotient, aka CovQ or put simply: ‘the IQ of a company,’ and is now releasing the CovQ Insights 2021 findings. 

CovQ is is the world’s first assessment that enables companies, their founders, executives, board members, and investors to discover a firm’s intelligence and quality with respect to creating value, compounding it, identifying the most necessary issues to be addressed, and opportunities to be developed and focused on. In comparison, more than 50 million people took the Myers Briggs personality test (MBTI Myers Briggs Type Indicator).

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Hey, Scale-Ups: Are You Using The Most Powerful Force In The Universe To Grow?by Renita Kalhorn

Never before have founders had so much access to capital to build their dream companies.

Crunchbase reports that the last decade has seen about $1.5 trillion of venture capital worldwide, with almost $300 billion of that invested in 32,800 venture capital deals in the last year alone.