Blog Posts
ChatGPT’s 12 Reasons for the Instant Adoption of a Value Creation OS like CovQby Ralf Hirt

Hello ChatGPT, What are the best reasons to implement a value creation operating system, like CovQ, immediately?

“Implementing a value creation operating system, such as CovQ, can offer several compelling reasons to do so immediately. Here are some of the key benefits.

Blog Posts
Operating Value Creation Makes the Rubber Hit the Roadby Ralf Hirt

In today’s dynamic and highly competitive business landscape, organizations must navigate through complex challenges to stay ahead. Strategic planning and value creation play pivotal roles in achieving sustainable growth and maintaining a competitive edge. However, the success of these initiatives often hinges on the ability to translate strategies into actionable plans and effectively execute them on an ongoing basis. This is when and where ‘the rubber hits the road’ – the critical juncture where strategic intent meets real-world implementation – or in other words the operating system of a company.

Useful Resources
The Crazy Ones Podcast

Founders, friends and fellow builders Alex Lieberman and Jesse Pujji know what it is to be a founder. The irrational confidence, relentless grind and creative ecstasy needed to build something. In this show, they dole out unfiltered opinions and advice on how to build businesses, and how the current state of the world helps or hurts founders.

Blog Posts
CovQ Digital Media Ecosystem Companies Insights 2023by Ralf Hirt

8W8 Global Business Builders developed in collaboration with more than 70 entrepreneurs, founders, executives, board members, investors, and academics the Compound Value Creator Quotient, aka CovQ or put simply: ‘the corporate IQ of a company,’ and is now releasing the CovQ Digital Media Ecosystem Companies Insights 2023. Digital Media ecosystem companies include the following categories: AdTech, MarTech, digital publishers and agencies, and related platforms.

Useful Resources
Marketecture Podcast. Get smart. Fast.

Marketecture is a new way to get smart about technology. Our team of real industry practitioners helps you understand the complex world of technology and make better vendor decisions through in-depth interviews with CEOs and product leaders at dozens of platforms.

Blog Posts
The Strategy Roller Coaster: YEAH!, urgh, damn, ouch, wow, well. Repeat!by Ralf Hirt

Over many years, I held operational executive roles and had the opportunity to speak to many business scalers of ambitious growth companies with respect to their challenges. What strategy execution is concerned the consensus was very clear. It is a roller coaster that goes like this:

January: The strategy just got ready, just. A couple of tweaks on the model still necessary but will take care of this asap. Annual Kick-off meeting: ‘YEAH, baby! It is going to be amazing. Everything is addressed, aligned, could not be more excited, troops are fired up. Killing it! Go, go, go!’

Useful Resources
Dry Powder: The Private Equity Podcast

Hugh MacArthur, head of Bain & Company’s Global Private Equity practice, interviews leading experts on the trends and opportunities that will redefine the private equity industry.

Blog Posts
CovQ Value Creation OS

CovQ empowers executive teams and boards of growth companies, PEs, SPACs, VCs, and consulting firms as well as businesses in transformation to deliver their mission and full potential. CovQ is a holistic, integrated, and cohesive business building infrastructure and value creation system encompassing a corporate IQ assessment system, framework, method, and knowledge embedded in SaaS to develop and execute mission-critical priorities and strategic initiatives, track and report progress, enable executive collaboration and alignment.

Blog Posts
CovQ Tech Insights 2022: Different Perspectives Identify the Need for Cohesiveness, Alignment and Systems to deliver Value Creationby Ralf Hirt

8W8 Global Business Builders developed in collaboration with more than 70 entrepreneurs, founders, executives, board members, investors, and academics the Compound Value Creator Quotient, aka CovQ or put simply: ‘the IQ of a company,’ and is now releasing the CovQ Tech Insights 2022 findings. Tech companies include the following categories: SaaS, platforms, marketplaces, direct-to-consumer, e-commerce, mobility, and digital media.