In July 2021, 8W8 Global Business Builders provider of the Compound Value Creator Quotient platform and assessment, aka CovQ, ran a LinkedIn Poll addressing:
Founders – Executives and Management – Board Members – Investors
The Poll was posted on LinkedIn to:
8W8 Global Business Builders – Accenture Alumni – Google Alumni – In Touch – New York Venture Community – Others
The Poll existed out of one straightforward question:
‘How much would you be happy to pay per
year to increase your company’s IQ by 10%?’
LinkedIn original post example:
Breakdown of participation:
Key Takeaways
91 % find improving the IQ of a Company valuable and are happy to pay for it $30,000 or more per year
58% answered it is a no brainer to happily spend $250,000 a year for a 10% Company IQ increase
9 % do not find improving the IQ of a company valuable and/or do not want or can not afford to spend $30,000
100% of Big Companies, Big Consulting and Big Investors are happy to pay for a Company IQ increase*
Generally, the more senior the individuals and the larger the organization the higher the enthusiasm to justify a higher price
In the examples of the poll, the ROI’s would be reached at either the same EBITDA or Valuation Increase as the cost of $250,000, $90,000 or 30,000 respectively
Thanks to everyone participating in the poll. We hope all readers find the results useful.
For those interested in finding out the IQ of their company to start with, please feel free to take the Compound Value Creator Quotient, aka CovQ, assessment on 8w8.com/covq, and for those keen on actually developing their CovQ and related value creation please check out the CovQ platform https://www.8w8.com/covq-platform/. Always keep in mind that Deep Impact Creates Value Building.
*for more details please contact value [at] 8W8.com